• Car warning light check and identify symbol
  • Engine scan and diagnostics
  • Fault code identification and correction
  • Clear fault code

The main benefit of diagnostic testing is that it can quickly and accurately identify problems so that car repair times are greatly reduced. That means labour costs are reduced and your car spends less time in the garage and off the road. Modern vehicles have the added benefit of fault codes which are stored in the car’s on-board memory.

Software is used to address areas such as the engine, ignition, fuel injection performance and rpm levels.

Although it’s recommended that your car has a diagnostic test once a year, if you have a concern in the meantime, a diagnostic check-up can quickly identify a problem so that it can be sorted out as soon as possible.

At Jawan all car Service Centre, our diagnostic tests are carried out by qualified experts, so you can be assured your vehicle is in competent hands when you bring it to us for car repairs.

Now, computerized car components can detect problems long before they cause a breakdown. Diagnostic tools can also check a car’s computer system for manufacturer notifications and stored information about the car’s history, giving technicians a complete picture in order to perform the best repair possible.